Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ovarian Cyst More Condition_symptoms Is It Good Or Bad If An Ovarian Cyst Ruptures On Its Own After It Has Been There For More Than 4 Months?

Is it good or bad if an ovarian cyst ruptures on its own after it has been there for more than 4 months? - ovarian cyst more condition_symptoms

A doctor said that if the cyst fluid ruprures damage reproductive organs and thus can lead to infertility, and if surgery is best. Other doc said no such damage, and if everything is good, because ruptured no need for an operation. I have a cyst about 5 months and I have an appointment for the surgery done in 2 months and now I am with pain in abdomen, cyst rupture can this mean? I do not know what they think? Please advice.


  1. My daughter had the same problem. Return Iban and disposal, and the cyst would. He was in constant pain, and if you are not respected, the pain is unbearable. She suffered for a time much longer than they were with him.

    Finally, an ovary removed and all the scratching. He said that a child immediately, or it would never. She was pregnant and had a healthy child. Long story short, came back, the cysts. Your life is not worth living, and he lived on pain pills.

    I did not want a hysterectomy, because I was 32nd They just kept going and remove them if the pain was bad. Finally went to the doctor and armed with her. We do not have a hysterectomy female partner. He could not. He did not like how he felt his age. He had taken everything. She said (later) do not know how bad it hurts to surgery. She is healthy now, no more pain. She takes one tablet per day during the menopause.

  2. As a medical technical assistant, I have not heard of the rupture of cysts that cause infertility. But that does not mean that there is a risk. Please note the links that I see at the bottom of this in order to tell what the experts. You have to research to their physical and mental. Take care. ...

    Ovarian cysts may rupture (usually) without damage, but rarely cause symptoms. They are benign and have no real medical consequence. ...

    Some functional ovarian cysts can bend or break and bleed. The symptoms include:

    An immediate and severe pain that often) with nausea and vomiting (possible sign of a cyst in a spiral.
    The pain immediately after (reports) can signal a ruptured cyst.
    If you symptoms of a twisted ovarian cyst or broken, call your health professional immediately. Some ruptured cysts bleed enough that treatment is necessary to prevent severe blood loss. ...
