Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bad Taste In Mouth Can A Lip Piercing Result In White On Tongue And Bad Taste In Mouth?

Can a lip piercing result in white on tongue and bad taste in mouth? - bad taste in mouth

They have pierced my lip on the left side for 4 days. It seems to heal properly. But since I did was a white coating on the tongue and I have a bad taste in my mouth. In addition, white matter from the inside of my bad taste in my mouth. wondering if anyone has experienced. Please let me know if this is normal. Thanks

1 comment:

  1. Read had in mind when you thrush - which may or may not be caused by lip piercing. Definition: Thrush is a fungal infection in the mouth by a fungus called Candida albicans grows out of control and causes painful sores usually on the inside of the cheeks and tongue, but can also spread to the roof of the mouth, gums, tonsils and throat. You should consult a doctor early diagnosis made by a glance at the affected area, but can be confirmed by a levy by the nurse or the doctor who studied in the laboratory. The oral intake in the form of tablets is given in the rule.
